
Are You In A Tricky Transition?

Everyone needs a place… Is it a solitary island of warming sun, some mark on the journey map, between shoreline certainties and unknown footpaths?

Beyond a portage of bearing burdens over considered elevations a target in mind, foreheads straining to make it over without catastrophe.

Not a beach an anchorage of clear shallows engraved by keels stretched out and basking untested from steering clear of whitecaps and churning eddies?

Nor is it just an island that can only be reached amidst passages of sufficient distance that lengthens the will, separating silver from dross?

Everyone needs a place, a not-so-solitary island of warming sun, where dragonflies rest and glitter, irredescent, resplendent in considering the next impossibilities.

Platform by James Tughan Portage Executive Director

Let’s Cross Over (Together) By Making Art

Do you need some me-time? Do you finally need some dedicated creative work time? How about relaxing into playful exploration? (click for video)

Aperture 1: (Adults) in person Instructor: James Tughan, Thursdays 6:30-9:30 pm, Oakville studio, Jan.27-Mar.31 $250./10 weeks For more info go to “courses” or register below

Hurting? Do you need safety from a traumatic experience to create and reflect? We understand. We’ve been there.

Artfully Whole: (Adults) online Instructor: Heidi Brannan Launching Feb. 1, contact Heidi

Emote: (Adult) studio Instructor: Amanda Leblanc, coming soon (Apr-June 2022)

Need A Skills Upgrade? Have you started learning something in art, and need to work on your technique? Come and enhance your design and media tool kit.

Firefleyes 1: (Juniors 8-13) Instructor: Alaina Agnew, Saturdays: 1:00-3:00 pm, Oakville studio, Mar.29-Apr.2 $195./10 weeks….. For more info go to “courses” or register below

Headwaters: (teens-14-18 yrs) Instructor: James Tughan, Mondays 6:30-9:30 pm, Oakville studio, Jan.31-Apr.4 $325./12 weeks, …For more info go to “courses” or register below

Aperture 2: (Adults) in person Instructor: James Tughan, Thursdays 6:30-9:30 pm, Oakville studio, Jan.27-Mar.31 $250./10 weeks For more info go to “courses” or register below

Need to Build A Folio? Do you need to build a folio for an art program? No problem. Let’s do it well. (see also Aperture 3)

Firefleyes 2: (Juniors- 8-13 yrs. ) Instructor: James Tughan, Saturdays 1:00- 3:00 pm, Oakville studio, Jan.29-Apr. 2 $195./10 weeks,

Headwaters: (Teens:14-18 yrs) Instructor: James Tughan, Mondays 6:30-9:30 pm, Oakville studio, Jan.31-Apr.4 $325./10 weeks, For more info go to “courses” or register below.

Got Something To Say? Do you need help defining your artistic identity and purpose? Here’s how you can sharpen your message.

Aperture 3: (Adults) Instructor: James Tughan Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm, Oakville studio, Jan.27-Mar.31 $375/10 weeks, For more info go to “courses” or register below

Need to Go Deeper? Do you need help in your faith community to explore the Christian foundations of creativity and artistry? We can come to you and can make this a life-changing experience.

Facin’ It: (adults) coming soon Instructor: James Tughan Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm, $325./hour, For more info go to “courses” or register below

The Dreaming of Lions Project: (Adult groups) Instructor: James Tughan Church locations: min. 24 people $250./person/10 weeks, mat. incl. For more info go to “courses” or register below

Nine Faces of Christ: (adult )Groups) coming soon Instructor: James Tughan Church locations: min. 24 people $250./person/10 weeks, mat. incl.For more info go to “courses” or register below

The Eyes of the Body (Adult Groups) Instructor: James Tughan Church locations: min.24 people $250./person/10 weeks, mat. incl.

A Space for Worship (Adults) Instructor: Elizabeth Brooks location TBA coming soon

Need Some Company? Why go it alone? Here’s a community for mutual support. We build each other up. (This button not yet live)

Portage Gatherings (adults)
Facilitator: Amanda Leblanc
Every second Friday night, currently meeting on ZOOM Starting Jan.21

And What Is The Treasure We Carry?

(It’s the artists and their art)



Call James at 289 952 3669, or
or Marina at 905 467 2323 or Heidi at 519 651 9817 or

So Why Does Art Matter?

Art in Creation

At the heart of the Christian faith is the artistic character of Jesus Christ. The evidence of His handiwork is visible in the spectacular diversity and beauty of the world all around us. He is the originator of all our artistic languages. He is deeply invested in and inhabits His own creation. His greatest works of art are us, men, women and children of all nationalities and locations in this world.

Art in the “Person

At the heart of every person, made in God’s image, is the capacity to imagine and create. We all possess different gifts, and ways of seeing the world that complement one another. We know now that this creative phenomenon is not meant for isolation because human beings are wired to create relationally. We are meant to be flourishing together in community.

Art in Community

At the heart of most communities, both secular and spiritual, are the creative change- makers, the artists who are guardians of perception, imagination, creativity and vision. We are in fact, guardians of language itself and are connected to our Creator in preserving the truth that comes from Him alone.

For more insight about how our philosophy impacts how we treat artists and how we teach art we encourage you to watch this special documentary that aired quite recently on Yes-TY: